
Today we read Insect Homes by Lydia Carlin. This book taught us what type of insect homes to look for during the summer time. During our literacy and fine motor activity, we listened to a book on tape. The book we listened to was We’re Going on a Nature Walk by Steve Metzger. Then we used our math and cognition skills to count sprinkles on ice cream cones and match the number of sprinkles to the correct ice cream cone with the right number. For our sensory and science activity, we made a bubble art painting. Our teachers added drops of food coloring to containers of bubbles and stirred up the bubbles. Then we took turns blowing our colorful bubbles onto paper.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

We will be starting water days here soon! Please make sure to send your child’s swimsuit, sunscreen, and sunscreen form that way we have everything to start our water days!

CLC will be closed Friday, June 17th for our 5K Night Glow Run/Walk.




Summertime Fun