Summertime Fun

We are so glad to be back at CLC for our summer session! This week we will be learning about fun things that we can do in the summer. Today we read Ladybug Life Cycle by Justin Martin. In this book, we learned about how ladybugs grow to have lots of dots and to eat lots of bugs in the summer months. For our sensory and science activity, we decorated some yummy ice cream cones. We talked about how ice cream is very cold and the different flavors that ice cream can be. Then we used our literacy and fine motor skills to practice spelling and writing our names. During our math and cognition activity, we counted the seeds in our watermelons and recognized the numbers. We also did a rainy day activity of planting different vegetable seeds in pots.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

We will be starting water days here soon! Please make sure to send your child’s swimsuit, sunscreen, and sunscreen form that way we have everything to start our water days!

CLC will be closed Friday, June 17th for our 5K Night Glow Run/Walk.



