The Circus

This week we get to learn all about the circus! Today we read Mr. Wrinkles by Robert Pearce. In this book, we learned that elephants need friends to help them get unstuck from a hole in the ground and we learned that we can see elephants in the circus. For our math and cognition activity, we counted and recognized the number of different things that are in the circus. Then we used our literacy and fine motor skills to practice writing our names. Our teachers helped us recognize each letter as we wrote in. During our sensory and science activity, we did a drawing exploration where we had to draw a clown’s happy smile and face.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

Our parent/teacher conferences will be held this Wednesday, May 18th and Thursday May 19th. Let us know if you would like to sign up.

Our graduation/end-of-year celebration will be this Friday, May 20th at 6pm.


Circus Bears


Flowers Blooming