
Today we read Perfect Pumpkins by Jeff Bauer. In this book, we learned about the life cycle of a pumpkins and how they can come in all different shapes and sizes. During our math and cognition activity, we recognized different pumpkin shapes. Some of our pumpkins were big and round while others were weird shapes like stars. Then we used our literacy and fine motor skills to practice our cutting skills. We tried our best to cut a circle in our paper to make a pumpkin. For our sensory and science activity, we used pumpkin playdough cutters to make playdough pumpkins. We rolled our our playdough then we pushed our cutter down to make the pumpkin shape.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

Our parent-teacher conferences will be held on October 25th and 27th. We have a sign up form at the office window. Please make sure to sign up for a time slot.


Firetruck Visit


Pumpkin Seeds