Pumpkin Seeds

Today we read the book Amazing Jack-o’-Lanterns by Melvin and Gilda Berger. In this book we learned that pumpkins grow from pumpkin seeds and when they get bigger we can cut them and make jack-o’-lanterns with them. During our science and sensory activity we cut out a face in our pumpkin and we added baking soda to it. We then added food coloring to our vinegar to make it purple. We poured our purple vinegar into our pumpkin and we watched it fizz out of its mouth. During our math and cognition activity we matched baby pumpkins with different numbers on them to their match. During our literacy and fine motor activity we laced letter beads onto a shoe string and talked about what letter it was and what sound it made.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

Our parent-teacher conferences will be held on October 25th and 27th. We have a sign up form at the office window. Please make sure to sign up for a time slot.




Pumpkin Patch