
Happy Wednesday! We are halfway through our week of learning about the 4th of July. Today we read Apple Pie 4th of July by Janet Wong. In this book, we learned about the types of foods that are eaten on the 4th of July and how there can be parades and fireworks shows. During our literacy and fine motor activity, we practiced writing the letter ‘M’ on our letter worksheets. We practiced writing the upper and lowercase letters and found the letter in a mixture of letters. Then we used our sensory and science skills to watch a fizzy star science experiment. Our teachers placed baking soda in the middle of a star cookie cutter and then we added red and blue food coloring and poured in the vinegar to make the fizzy experiment. For our math and cognition activity, we did a star number matching game. We matched the numbers that were on each star and the color.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

CLC will be closed all next week, July 4th-8th for our summer break.


Red, White, & Blue

