
This week we are learning all about opposites. We read the book You Are (Not) Small by Anna Kang. In this book, two fuzzy creatures can’t agree on who is small or big until two more creatures show up that are smaller and bigger than the first two settling their disagreement. During our sensory and science activity, we continued to talk about big and small by making a craft. Our teachers passed out papers that were divided in two one side was for the small shapes that we were given and one side was for the big ones. Then we used our literacy and fine motor skills to practice writing our names. We asked for help when we needed it and recognized each letter as we wrote our names. For our math and cognition activity, we did opposite puzzles. We took one side of the puzzle and tried to figure out the other side so if one side said day we had to find the other side that said night.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

CLC will be closed for our teacher work week on Monday, August 15th to Monday, August 22nd.

Our 2022-23 school year will begin on Tuesday, August 23rd.


Soft vs Hard


Tropical Birds