Hot vs Cold

We are already halfway through our week of learning about opposites! Today we read Not A Stick by Antoinette Portis. In this book, we learned that the opposite of not a stick can be many imaginative things such as a horse or a fishing pole. During our literacy and fine motor activity, we practiced writing our letter of the week. We are learning about the letter ‘Q’ this week so we wrote the lowercase and uppercase of this letter. Then we used our math and cognition skills to organize and match different opposites. We looked at heavy and light objects as well as soft and hard objects. Our sensory and science experiment was super fun because we did a hot vs cold science experiment. Our teacher got two cups of water and one had ice cold water and the other one was hot water. We added food coloring to each cup so blue was cold and red was hot. Then we poured the two things of water into a container together and watched the cold water sink to the bottom and the hot air rise to the top.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

CLC will be closed for our teacher work week on Monday, August 15th to Monday, August 22nd.

Our 2022-23 school year will begin on Tuesday, August 23rd.


Up vs Down


Soft vs Hard