
Happy Monday! Today we read How to Catch a Turkey by Adam Wallace. In this book, a turkey is running loose in a school right before the children were putting on a Thanksgiving a play for their families so had to find the best solution to catch it. During our math and cognition activity, we did a feather counting game. We rolled a dice and then counted the number of feathers that we rolled. Then we used our sensory and science skills to color a Thanksgiving cornucopia. We colored the foods that go in the middle of the cornucopia and the cornucopia. For our literacy and fine motor activity, we used q-tips and paint to trace over the letters of the alphabet. We used the q-tip to trace the uppercase and lowercase of each letter.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

We will be having our annual CLC family Thanksgiving lunch on Tuesday, November 22nd at 11:30am. Please sign up at the front office if your family plans to attend so we can get a head count on how many people there will be.

CLC will be closed November 23-25 for Thanksgiving break. We will be reopen Monday, November 28, 2022. We hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving Feast


Turkey Feathers