
This week we are learning about flowers and how they grow. Today we read Spiders by Gail Gibbons. In this book, we learned how spiders sometimes us the stem of a flower to make their webs. For our sensory and science activity, we talked about how not all flower seeds look the exact same. We learned that some flower seeds can be super small and how the shape of each seed are different as well. Then we used our math and cognition skills to match flowers correctly by size and color. During our literacy and fine motor activity, we practiced writing our names and drew different flowers on our paper.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

CLC will have a staff meeting on today, May 9th at 4pm. Please make sure to pick up your child before this time.

Our parent/teacher conferences will be held Wednesday, May 18th and Thursday May 19th. Let us know if you would like to sign up.

Our graduation/end-of-year celebration will be on Friday, May 20th at 6pm.


Making a Garden


Muffins for Moms