Eggs Everywhere

Today we read The Night Before Easter by Natasha Wing. In this book, we learn about what the Easter bunny does when he comes to each of our houses. For our first activity, we used our fine motor skills to cut our bottom of our page that had one half of our eggs. Then we took those halves and matched them to the correct pattern on the top half of our page by using our math and cognition skills. During our sensory and science activity, we used spoons to rescue eggs out of our sensory bin. We had a very special visitor come in from the health department and talk to us about water safety.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

CLC will have a staff meeting on Monday, May 9th at 4pm. Please make sure to pick up your child before this time.

Our parent/teacher conferences will be held Wednesday, May 18th and Thursday May 19th. We will have a sign up sheet at the front office soon.

Our graduation/end-of-year celebration will be on Friday, May 20th at 6pm.


Little Chicks


Hopping Bunnies