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Today we read Little Fox in the Forest by Stephanie Graegin. In this book, two friends followed a little fox into the forest to see all the other animals that lived there. For our sensory and science activity, we looked into our forest sensory bin. We found deer, owls, bears, and other forest animals hiding under the tree tops of the forest. Then we used our literacy and fine motor skills to lace forest animals. We had raccoons, bears, owls, deer, and other animals that we did our lacing with. During our math and cognition activity, we did a color recognition with different shapes.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

Our annual trunk or treat will be held Monday, October 31st at 9:30am. If you would like to decorate your car please let us know. Make sure to send your child’s costume with them and we will get them ready when it gets closer to time.

We will be closing early at 4pm on November 14th for a staff meeting. Please make sure to pick up your child before this time.