Baby Chicks

Today we read Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy Shaw. In this book, a group of sheep rid in a jeep up a steep hill but they have to watch out because there is a pile of mud at the bottom of the hill. For our math and cognition activity, we counted different the different farm animals on our farm. After we counted how many animals we had on our farm, we made the noise of each of the animals. Then we used our literacy and fine motor skills to listen to a book on tape. We listened to Funny Farm by Mark Teague and we laughed at all the crazy animals. During our sensory and science activity, we painted a pig with brown paint to represent mud. We talked about how pigs like to roll around in the mud to cool down on hot summer days.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

CLC will be closed October 7th for a teacher work day.

We will be having our family fun night on October 13th from 4:30pm to 6pm.

Our parent-teacher conferences will be held on October 25th and 27th. We will have a sign up form closer to these dates.




On The Farm