What is a safe stranger?

Happy Wednesday! Today we read the book Never ever talk to Strangers by Anne Marie Pace. In this book we learned that we shouldn’t talk to someone we don’t know unless we are with a parent or guardian. We also learned that there are safe strangers. We talked about police men and firemen and how they are strangers but they help us. During our math and cognition activity we matched different safety symbols. During our science and sensory activity we drew people on styrofoam plates and then our teacher poured acetone on the plate and we watched the plate disappear. As we were watching the science experiment we talked about why we only eat food items. During our fine motor and literacy activity we practiced our cutting skills.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

Our parent teacher conferences will be held on Thursday March 23rd. We will have a sign-up sheet at the front desk. If you cannot make it at the times we have available please see one of our teachers and we can schedule a different time.

CLC will be closed April 7th and April 10th for Easter break.

CLC will close at 4pm on Monday, May 8th for a staff meeting. Please make sure to pick up your child before this time.


Staying Safe


Poison Alert!