The Gingerbread Man

Happy Monday, everyone. Today we started talking about nursery rhymes. The first book we read was the Ginger Bread Man, where we watched a little old lady bake a gingerbread man, and he took off when he was cooked. Then the little old lady and the old man ran after him, saying stop. Then you hear the gingerbread man, so run as fast as you can. You cannot catch me; I am the gingerbread man. We follow the gingerbread man many follow to catch him until we meet the sly fox who finally catches him.
For math and cognition, we had matching cards and had to find which number matched how much gingerbread was on the card. Then we got to decorate our gingerbread man for sensory and science. Then, we spelled our names on a whiteboard for literacy and fine motor.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

CLC will be closed Friday, March 10th for a teacher workday. This is also our 7th annual Pizza for a Purpose event at Redhead Lakeside and Grill at 6pm.

CLC will be closed Monday, March 13th through Friday, March, 17th for Spring Break.

Our parent teacher conferences will be held on Tuesday, March 21st and Thursday March 23rd. We will have a sign up sheet at the front desk.


Baa, Baa Black Sheep


Oh, the places you’ll go!