Summertime Fun

We are so excited that our summer session has started today! We started our summertime fun themed week by reading the book Pete the Cat at the Beach by James Dean. In this book, Pete went to the beach to find seashells but as he was looking he got to hot so he decided that he wanted to go swimming in the ocean. During our math and cognition activity, we counted the seeds on some watermelon cards. Then we used our literacy and fine motor skills to practice writing our names on some practice sheets. For our sensory and science activity, we decorated a yummy ice cream cone paper to be our favorite flavor.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

We wanted to remind everyone that we will be starting our water days in the next few days or so. Please bring in your child’s swimsuit, towel, water shoes, non-aerosol sunscreen, and swim diapers if need for us to be able to be kept here throughout the summer session.




Prince and Princess