
Today we read the book The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle. This book is about a spider who spins a web on a fence post. Despite the animals on the nearby farm trying to distract her, the busy little spider remains diligent. In the end, she creates a beautiful and useful web, catching a fly. First, during our math and cognition activity, we used different colored spiders to create patterns. Then, during our science and sensory activity, we made spider webs out of playdough. Finally, during our fine motor and literacy activity, we practiced our cutting skills.

~Upcoming Important Events~

CLC will be closing at 3pm on Friday, June 14th for a staff meeting. Please plan to pick up your child before this time!

Donuts with Dad will be held on Monday, June 17th at 8:30am. Please sign up at the front office if you can attend!


Tiny Seed


Polar Bear