“Q” is for Queen

Today we read the book Walt Disney’s The Little Mermaid. During our math and cognition activity, we matched fairytale characters to the correct story that they are in. Next, during our science and sensory lesson, we made colors disappear! We put food coloring in water and then we poured some magical vinegar into the colored water to make it clear again! Finally, during our fine motor and cognition lesson, we made the letter Q into a queen!

    -Important Upcoming Events-

CLC will be in session on Thursday, April 17th. This was originally scheduled as a Teacher Work Day, this will be used as a makeup snow day. Please sign up at the front office if you would like your child to attend.

CLC will be closed Friday, April 18th and Monday, April 21st for Easter Break.


True Love’s Kiss


In a Land Far, Far Away…