Police Help Us!
Today we read the book Police Cars by Chris Oxlade. Ms. Sheri from the University of Missouri came to talk to us again today! She taught us about different vegetables that we can eat to keep our bodies happy and healthy! During our math and cognition lesson, we counted community helper vehicles such as police cars and firetrucks. We then identified the number that we counted to. Next, during our science and sensory lesson, we used watercolors to paint a police badge while we talked about what police do to help our community and how we can identify a police officer. Finally, during our fine motor and literacy lesson, we listened to a book on tape and practiced writing our names!
-Upcoming Important Events-
CLC will be closed on Monday, October 21st for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Please see the office to sign-up for a time slot.
CLC will close at 3 pm on Thursday, October 24th for Parent/Teacher Conferences
CLC will host our annual Truck or Treat on October 31st at 9:30 am. Please let the office know if you would like to decorate your trunk!