N is for Number!
Today we read the book Chicka, Chicka, 1, 2, 3 by Bill Martin Jr., Michael Sampson and Lois Ehlert. During our math and cognition lesson, we worked on 1 to 1 correspondence. We noticed how small 1 is compared to how big 10 is. Next, for our science and sensory lesson, we scooped out a spoonful of baking soda into 5 different cups and then poured 1 cap-full up to 5 cap-fulls of vinegar into each cup. The cup with only one cap-full had a smaller reaction in comparison to the cup we poured 5 cap-fulls in which made a much bigger reaction! Finally, during our fine motor and literacy lesson, we glued the letter N onto paper and practiced writing numbers and our names.
-Upcoming Important Events-
CLC will be close Monday, September 23rd for a Teacher Work Day. We will be back in session on Tuesday, September 24th.