Little Red Riding Hood

Happy Monday!! This week we are learning all about fairytales. Today we read Little Red Riding Hood by Gaby Goldsack. In this story little red riding hood’s mom wanted her to bring food to her grandma’s house across the forest. She told her not to talk to any strangers. She talked to the big bad wolf and her and her grandma were ate by him. Someone came and saved them from the big bad wolf but now little red riding hood knows to listen to her mommy and not to talk to strangers. Today for our math and cognition activity we counted magic beans. For our sensory and science we colored Humpty Dumpty. Then for our literacy and fine motor we practiced writing our names on our paper.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

CLC will be closed for our End of the Year Break from May 29th - June 2nd. Summer Session will begin on Monday, June 5th.


The Gingerbread Man


Circus Animals