
Today we read the book called Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert. In the book we learned about the life cycle of a maple tree, from a fallen seed that sprouts in the woods to being transplanted and sold at a nursery to being replanted and cherished in a new home. During our literacy and fine motor activity we used crayons and colored over leaves to make the leaf impression. During our math and cognition activity we used dice and counted the number on the dice then found the number on our paper acorn and colored it. For our sensory and science activity we played in sand outside.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

We will be having our family fun night on October 13th from 4:30pm to 6pm.

Our parent-teacher conferences will be held on October 25th and 27th. We will have a sign up form closer to these dates.


Leaves and Acorns


Apple Seeds