In the Garden

Happy Friday, and Happy Mother's Day to all the moms. We had such a fun week talking about flowers. Today we read a book called In the Garden by Elizabeth Spurr. In the book, it went into the process of how to start a garden and the end result. After we read the book we talked about if we have gardens at home and what we do to help in the garden.

For math and cognition today we got cards that had flowers and it had a shape in the middle of the flower, we had to work together to identify the shape. Then for literacy and fine motor we got to work on our tracing skills. As for sensory and science we got to pretend the kinteic sand was soil and got to pretend to plant flowers.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

CLC will be closed for our End of the Year Break from May 29th - June 2nd. Summer Session will begin on Monday, June 5th.




May Showers and May Flowers