Day and Night

Happy Tuesday! Today, we read the book Elmer’s Special Day by David McKee. This book is about a group of elephants that were throwing a parade for the elephant that is different from the others, Elmer. The other elephants starting to get upset about the parade so Elmer decided to invite the other elephants to participate in the parade as well. First, during our math and cognition activity, we sorted different items by big and small. Next, during science and sensory activity, we painted a sun and moon to show the opposites of day and night. Last, for our literacy and fine motor activity, we listened to a book on tape.

~Upcoming Important Events~

CLC will be closed August 12th-19th for a teacher work week. The first day of the 2024-2025 school year is Tuesday, August 20th.

Please sign up for Mandatory Parent Orientation with Megan or Adrienne at the front office. This orientation will be held during Teacher Work Week.


O is for opposite

