“C” is for the Cat in the Hat

Today we read the book The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss. During our math and cognition lesson, we worked on recognizing numbers by matching the number of lines to the number on the Truffula tree tuft. Then, during our science and sensory lesson, we made Oobleck by mixing 2 cups of corn starch and 1 cup of water together. We liked the way we could pick it up like a solid, but they let it run through our fingers like a liquid. It felt soft, hard, cold, wet, and dry all at the same time! Finally, during our fine motor and literacy lesson, we made the letter ‘C’ into the Cat in the Hat! We also began to make plans for our Leprechaun trap!

 -Upcoming Important Events-

CLC will be closed from Monday, March 10th-14th for Spring Break. We will be back in session on Monday, March 17th.

Children’s Learning Center will be hosting our nineth annual “Pizza For A Purpose” fundraising event at on Friday, March 14th at Redhead’s at 6pm! Don’t forget to get your tickets for this event on our website!

CLC will be in session on Monday, March 24th. This was originally scheduled as a Teacher Work Day, this will be used as a makeup snow day. Please sign up at the front office if you would like your child to attend.


“A person is a person, no matter how small.”


“I Speak for the Trees!”