Apple Tree, Apple Tree, What Do You See?

Today we read the book Apple Tree, Apple Tree, What Do You See written and illustrated by Sharon Rayford. This morning during our math and cognition lesson, we traced our numbers from 1 to 10. We also worked on our number recognition and one to one correspondence. Next, during our science and sensory lesson, we filled the sensory bin with apples! It was so much fun to find the buried apples! Finally, during our fine motor and literacy lesson, we practiced our lacing skills and practiced writing our names. Have a wonderful weekend!

-Upcoming Important Events-

CLC will be closed on Monday, October 21st for Parent/Teacher Conferences. We will have a sign-up sheet at the office soon.

CLC will close at 3 pm on Thursday, October 24th for Parent/Teacher Conferences.


Who Lives In The Forest?


Happy Birthday, Johnny Appleseed!