
Today we read the book Big Smelly Bear by Britta Teckentrup. This book is about a bear who doesn’t like to take a bath. Then one day he wakes up with a unBEARable itch! He does everything he can to try to get his itch to go away, but nothing works. He then meets a friend who could help but she asks him to take a bath first. After bear takes a bath his itch goes away! During our math and cognition activity, we used forest animal stamps and stickers to make patterns. Then during our science and sensory activity, we made forest animals with play dough. Then we used our fine motor and literacy skills to practice cutting.

~Upcoming Important Events~

CLC will have our family Thanksgiving meal from 11:30 am -1 pm on Friday, November 17th. If you plan on joining us please sign up at the front office.

CLC will be closing at 1pm on Friday, November 17th for a staff meeting.

CLC will be closed November, Monday 20th to Friday, November 24th for Thanksgiving break!


Forest Friends


Roar like a tiger