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Snow and Ice

Happy Wednesday! This week we are learning all about snow and ice. Today we read the book There was a Cold Lady who Swallowed Some Snow by Lucille Colandro. This book is about a women who goes around eating snow and other miscellaneous items. She eventually sneezes and when she does she creates a snowman with all the items she swallowed. Today for math and cognition activity we matched together a snowman using different shapes for its body. For science and sensory time we created a snow storm in a jar by using baby oil, white paint, and alka seltzers. We put these ingredients in a bottle and shook it up, creating a snow storm. Lastly, for fine motor and literacy time we did letter creation.

~Upcoming Important Events~

We will be closed Monday, January 15th for Martin Luther King Day.

We will be closing early Friday, January 26th at 3pm for a staff meeting.