Today we read My Father the Dog by Elizabeth Bluemle and illustrated by Randy Cecil. In this book, we learned that a father can act like a dog sometimes and likes the newspaper, or liking snacks, or even chasing a ball. During our math and cognition skills, we matched different family members to the correct match on our matching board. We matched the baby with the baby and the sister with the sister and so on until we matched all of them. Then we used our literacy and fine motor skills to practice writing the letter ‘C’ on our magic black boards. We wrote both the uppercase and lowercase of this letter. For our sensory and science activity, we did a science experiment. Our teacher filled a bag with some water and closed it up then they stuck a pencil through the bag and we watched it as it didn’t leak out until we pulled the pencils out.
~Important Upcoming Dates~
CLC will be closing at 4pm on Monday, September 12th for a staff meeting. Please make sure to pick up your child before this time.