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Happy Friday!! Today we read The Teeny Weenie Tadpole by Sheridan Cain. In this book the little tadpole. is learning how to jump. At the end of the book he runs into a big bad fish and the only way he could escape was to jump! So he turned into a frog! For our Math and Cognition activity we went magnet fishing. For sensory and science we played in water. Then for our literacy and fine motor we practiced tracing numbers with goldfish!

~Important Upcoming Dates~

CLC will close at 4pm on Monday, May 8th for a staff meeting. Please make sure to pick up your child before this time.

CLC will have our Graduation/End of the Year picnic on May 12 at CLC. Ceremony starts at 6pm with activities to follow.

CLC will be closed for our end of the year break from May 29 - June 2. Summer session will begin June 5.