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Bugs & Insects

This week we are learning about different bugs and insects. Today we read Big Bugs by Seymour Simon. In this book, we learned that bugs and insects have six legs and that spiders have eight. We also learn about some big bugs that can be found outside. For our math and cognition activity, we painted one half of a butterfly and then folded it over to make the butterfly look symmetrical which is where both sides of something is the exact same. Then we used of fine motor skills to cut on our lines to get the bumblebee to the beehive. During our sensory and science activity, we made our handprints into flowers to go onto our Spring bulletin board.

~Important Upcoming Dates~

CLC will be closed all of next week April 11th through the 15th for our Spring break.

We will also be closed Monday, April 18th for a teacher work day.